

Hypnosis North Carolina Asheville, North Carolina

Cynthia Marie Coaching


Solution Focused hypnotherapy uses the clinically proven techniques of Brief Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Mindfulness and combines them with trance to make important positive changes within a short period of time. Helping to resolving unwelcome habits and thought patterns at a subconscious level. Sessions are personalized to each client and designed to your preferences, your personality and your individual needs. Cynthia Marie is passionate about utilizing Solution Focused Hypnosis and its techniques for conditions such as Releasing Weight Improve confidence and performance, Improve Sex performance, Sleep peacefully, Sports Performance, Quit smoking, Release pain, stress, anxiety, phobias, fears, panic attacks, quitting smoking, lose weight and more. See the treatments page for a full list of treatments that Cynthia Marie Coaching Private Practice supports her clients of all ages, Cynthia S Marie is focused at helping women achieve their desired goals and move forward in making an irreversible change in all areas of life that ix impossible to ignore.Cynthia S Marie



If you find that what you are looking for is not listed below please reach out to me and I’d be happy to let you know if I think hypnosis, imagery, or NLP could be useful for you.

Before and After Surgery

Hypnosis and imagery can be very powerful tools to aid in preparing for and recovering from surgery. Hypnosis helps give back clients a feeling of control as they are able to prepare with positive suggestions that will exist in their subconscious mind. Alleviating worry, concern, and/or anxiety about the procedures and outcomes. Hypnosis helps clients to see surgery as an opportunity and can help clients to prepare for surgery by helping them quit smoking, promote healthy eating, reduce mind altering substances, exercise as indicated, and sleep. Hypnosis helps to change any negative associations a client may have with hospitals, surgery, anesthesia, etc. to a positive association known in the subconscious, for a more comfortable experience of the process.

Numerous valuable studies have been performed to test the use of hypnosis in oncology as it has been used in this area for over 200 years. The results are encouraging and long lasting as hypnosis can be used to replicate treatment that is working against cancer. Hypnosis has consistently shown to improve symptom relief and control outcomes associated with treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiotherapy. Clients who choose to supplement their clinical procedures with hypnosis report less pain intensity, less nausea, less fatigue, less emotional stress, and quicker recovery times. Hypnosis can be used during any phase of the journey and is especially beneficial when used at the beginning of diagnosis to keep you mentally prepared and at ease.

Children and Hypnosis

Children are extremely receptive to hypnosis as it is a natural state for them. By using different techniques to connect with them and what’s happening in their world we can help adjust their behaviors to meet new actions that will best serve them. Hypnosis is very effective with potty training, sleeping through the night, overcoming fears of needles, adjusting behaviors like biting, hitting, pushing, or feeling more calm and comfortable. Hypnosis is especially helpful as a natural approach to attention deficit disorders and helping your children stay engaged and focused.

Connecting with your Inner Wisdom

Hypnosis and guided imagery are excellent tools to help you communicate and access your intuition. If you are struggling to make a decision, feel unsure, or have doubts in a certain area of your life hypnosis can help you acquire direction and guidance from within. Many of us have lost connection or have not learned how to access the guiding voice of wisdom that comes from within. This wealth of knowledge comes from our past experiences, our education, our role models. It is inherited from ancestors, it is learned, and is imprinted deep within our subconscious. In today’s busy society we are often cut off from this powerful source as our daily demands and an overload of information leave us with little time and space to process and connect. Through Imagery we can help reconnect to our wise self and strengthen this powerful force that helps to protect and guide us along our life path.

Enhancing Confidence and Happiness

Your subconscious contains your life script. If at some point in your life you took in messages that told you that we weren’t good enough, or you weren’t worthy of love, or that you’ll never be as good as “you name it”… these messages are running undercover in your subconscious. Through hypnosis we can rewrite these messages so that your life script and inner dialog can match your conscious choice to be more confident and happy. Increasing your confidence can help you in many different arenas. Some of the most popular include public speaking, interpersonal communication, dating, and job interviews. By getting 100% of your mind to agree and support you and your ability to be your best self, you’ll begin to feel the changes your desire.

Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties

Every person has experienced some form of fear or anxiety in their life. While these emotions are necessary for our survival and do serve to protect us, they can become distorted and toxic to our wellbeing and ability to achieve our goals. Fear is the most powerful emotion on the planet and it is a basic instinct that we are born with. Fear responses come directly from the subconscious, whose primary responsibility is to protect you and keep you alive. They span every area of our life and they stem from a sense of danger to our wellbeing. Some examples include a fear of driving, spiders, needles, public speaking, flying on an airplane, leaving the lights off, being alone, health issues, interpersonal challenges etc. In hypnosis we have the ability to address the subconscious and its natural reactions enabling you to change your way of thinking with an alternative response. Anxiety is deeply and intimately related to fear. In order to get to the core of anxiety we must start with evaluating fear. Hypnosis can help to rein in this emotion and help use it in a positive way to drive you toward what you want and get it working for you rather than against you.

Increasing Creativity

Our subconscious mind is what we can refer to as the “creative mind”. Hypnosis and Imagery are powerful tools to help you explore new ideas to expand your creative thoughts for new projects. Be it a book, musical piece, movie, show, painting, sales campaign, party planning, or DIY project, hypnosis creates a new mental pathway that allows you to unlock new ideas and visions that help accomplish your goals. Imagery is the star of the show and there are multiple avenues that we can use to break into your creative mind.

Moving Through Stages of Loss

We all experience loss at some point in our lives. Loss of a loved one, a friendship, a relationship, a job. Loss can even be extended to a big lifestyle change; going from an independent to a mother or father, deciding to quit drinking, or learning to adjust to an illness or injury. Hypnotherapy can help guide you through all of the stages of loss so that you can complete them faster. Sometimes people can get stuck in a stage and with hypnosis you can keep the momentum moving from denial, to anger, to bargaining, to depression, and to finally acceptance. In the state of acceptance we are able to regain our natural flow with enjoying life.

Past Life Regression (PLR)

Past Life Regression is based on the Reincarnation Theory in which the soul survives death and returns to be born again into a new physical body with a new opportunity to progress and grow in knowledge and wisdom. The theory supports the belief that we experience life from the different perspectives of gender, race, religion, wealth, etc. and that our body is the one vehicle we are provided on Earth to fulfill our missions and learn our lessons. Through hypnosis we can experience our past lives and have a better understanding of our life purpose. PLR can be applied to help heal physiological or psychological discomforts, understand destructive patters in your current life, and better understand the lessons you are to focus on mastering. Other benefits include increased creativity, focus on our goals, decision making, improved mental and physical health, and enhanced positive belief in our strengths.

Pain Management

Chronic pain is a problem for millions of people in our country and many live in discomfort every single day. While medication is a powerful tool on a short term basis, long term it can become more debilitating than the pain itself. Opioid addiction is at an all-time high and has caused an epidemic in our culture. Deaths from an overdose of prescription pain medication now outnumber overdoses from alcohol, cocaine, and heroin combined. With the referral of your doctor, hypnosis is a natural and organic solution to pain management. Studies have proven how hypnosis can help alleviate and even eliminate your discomfort. Researcher from the University of Washington determined that “hypnosis is an undeveloped but highly promising intervention” that can help address the pain management problem.

Pre and Post Pregnancy

As an expecting mother hypnosis is a beautiful tool to help increase calming positivity, relaxation, and comfort as you prepare for one of life’s biggest adventures. Hypnosis can be used to prepare for your baby emotionally and physically and can help to ease any concerns leading up to delivery. Some Mom’s like to use this time to communicate with their baby on an even deeper level. For women who are trying to conceive, hypnosis and imagery can help to remove any unconscious mental blocks that may be hindering this process. If you have given birth to the baby and are dealing with some of the uncomfortable physical symptoms that accompany this stage of the pregnancy, hypnotherapy can help to naturally alleviate pain and discomfort around contractions, breastfeeding, and other aches and pains. It can be used to help increase milk supply, reduce stress, and enhance a moms experience as she adjusts to the new changes.

Relationship Strategies

Your relationships can affect how you feel about yourself and the overall quality of your daily life. Whether you are looking for a potential partner, trying to reignite the spark, or evaluating the terms of your relationship, the ability to better understand your own behaviors and the behaviors of those you attract is key. The Theory of E&P created by the founder of HMI, John Kappas, offers a way to understand your own behaviors in a relationship, as well as, your partner or potential partner. By helping you understand the theory and “The Eight Successful Secrets of Relationships”, we can help make the E&P Theory work for you. Whatever state you are in; dating, engaged, married (even for over 20 years), the understanding of the theory can help get a relationship on track to having more fun together than ever before. For those who are wondering if they should stay in a relationship or grieving from one that has ended, we can help you in the process of growing and healing. When ready we can help you to strategize and prepare for the best relationship for you.

Smoking Cessation

Hypnosis is an excellent tool to quit smoking. It can help the habitual and emotional smoker say goodbye for good. The research in this area points to hypnosis as the most effective form of smoking cessation. Lauren can attest as a former smoker that hypnosis was the key that helped her to overcome this powerful habit and she tried it all; patches, gum, and even Chantix to no avail. Today, many smokers are addicted to the behavior, not the nicotine. Hypnosis goes beyond the drug to the root emotional and physical memories in the body that created the behavior. If you are truly ready to quit and leave cigarettes behind than hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you reach your goal.

​Sports Hypnosis

For the most part, athletes are physically trained the same way but the key differentiator, in their performance, is their mind. Hypnosis is all about working the mental game. In our sessions we can focus on your motivation, drive, and energy to reach your goal. Hypnosis sessions can help you overcome any obstacles that are hindering your performance enhancement. The key for success is understanding your unique process, the optimal intended outcome, and how you experience your hands and body placement. Many professional athletes use hypnosis and visualization to improve their games without tiring out their bodies as they prepare for their big events. Tiger Woods says hypnosis is 'inherent in what I do now.'


Stress is a serious bad guy. Two thirds of all Americans feel stressed and the top causes of death in the US are all stress related. Stress produces chronic inflammation and immune dysfunction. Traditional methods of treatment have not been effective and there is overwhelming research that most chronic stress arises from our subconscious mind. It is here that our past trauma’s, our behaviors and patterns involving fear, anger, worry, regret, guilt, and the need to control arise. As the dominant language of the subconscious imagery creates new emotions and neural pathways to reprogram stress responses. Neuroscience shows that imagery causes the brain to secrete serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin which block cortisol, reducing anxiety and stress. Using the secret weapon of imagery we can decrease your stress levels and create new patterns of peace and acceptance.

Weight Control

You may wonder why this isn’t titled weight loss. Our subconscious is very powerful and it wants to help you. If you “lose” your weight there is a good chance that at some point in the future it will help you find it. Instead let’s control your weight by changing your lifestyle. Going deeper than just the calories you are eating, burning, and tracking, weight control focuses on your day to day routine and how we can start to make changes that will lead to a long term healthy lifestyle. The tools we will use can help you stay motivated to stick to your program and help you overcome any mental blockages that are holding you back. According to a study conducted by Cochrane et al, hypnosis is more than 30x more effective for weight control.



Advanced Hypnosis Benefits to You: with Cynthia S Marie

Many of my clients notice that with hypnosis, issues they’ve dealt with for many years – in some cases, the majority of their lives – are finally resolved. Some of the benefits you may enjoy include

It's gentle, simple, quick and effective  • It treats the cause of the problem and doesn't just 'get around it • It's a natural, safe process • It can be a permanent resolution to your symptoms  •It helps you to feel calmer, more resolved, and resilient to everyday stress • Helps you to understand yourself and how you react to things • Helps you deal with guilty and shameful feelings and be more in control of your life, Improved quality of life  Release from long-held emotional or mental blocks, Alleviation of physical symptoms Higher self-esteem, confidence, self worth, and sense of purpose Freedom from debilitating habits, The power to change your life for the better, Noticeable results in personal growth and self-improvement


     An initial consultation is simply the best way of getting to meet one another, and having a friendly chat about the issue or goal that you're looking for help with. We will explain the process the various

types of serviced available, so that you are ready for your hypnosis or life coaching sessions. Prior to your first session, you will fill out a confidential Client Registration Form and the Client Bill of Rights. If your issue is medical, you must have your physician's approval to use hypnosis in addition to medical treatment.

One of the best things about a initial consultation, is that there's absolutely no-obligation to go any further if you don't feel it's completely right for you. 

      To learn more about the benefits of hypnosis or to learn more about our services, simply contact us now for your free 20- minute confidential phone consultation.

What is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?

Cynthia Marie Coaching Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses practical, modern, and well-researched strategies to help people make significant, positive changes in their lives in a relatively short period of time.

With Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, I look at what you want to achieve (the solution) rather than at whatever prompted you to visit me (the problem).

The approach focuses on the present and future and not on the past. I ask clients to consider what they would like to achieve or change, for instance, what would be better if the problem had improved? What would have changed? This enables your solutions to become more obvious and gives you a goal to work towards.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis itself reduces anxiety, and this is done very simply through relaxation and visualisation, allowing you to focus on the positive aspects of your life that enables a shift in perspective. 

What is hypnosis like?

When in a state of hypnosis you remain in complete control and despite what you may have seen on television, I cannot make you bark like a dog, or walk like a chicken!  You cannot get stuck in hypnosis and you can bring yourself out at any time.

What is my role?

It is important to note that commitment and determination are required and to maximize the success of any treatment program. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can be enormously powerful, but only in combination with this determination. Results may vary depending on the individual and their commitment to the process. Listening to the relaxation CD/MP3 in between sessions is necessary.

 Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness, unlike sleep, you are fully conscious during hypnosis. You are aware, in fact more aware of everything going on around you while simultaneously feeling very relaxed and calm. Anyone can be hypnotised, in fact we all go into hypnosis every day of our lives, for example when we daydream or our mind is caught wondering we are putting ourselves into a mild state of hypnosis and relaxation.

Cynthia Marie Coaching Hypnosis uses  an advanced hypnotherapy method,  powerful behavior modification techniques  which enables us to access the subconscious through structured, deep relaxation techniques. One of the most important characteristics of  advanced hypnosis techniques, is that it aims to get to the root cause of the problem, which in turn will stop the "trigger" or "urge", allowing for an immediate opportunity to be free from it naturally which subsequently changes, or puts an end to, the negative behavior pattern or habit.

Our practice offers you a selection of services to suit your individual needs and preferences. Together, we will focus on issues you wish to address, helping you achieve the change you desire.

Hypnosis Telephone Sessions

Telephone sessions are available by appointment. Telephone sessions are held similar to those in office.  After a brief consultation regarding your challenge we will start a course of advanced hypnosis to address these issues as they affect your life.  Everyone handles habits, stress, and crises somewhat differently. We will develop  suggestions that will eliminate the unwanted behavior that  negatively affected you once and for all.

Hypnosis Gift Session
Giving the gift of hypnosis sessions is one of the most personal and thoughtful gift one can share with a friend or loved one.  Cynthia Marie Coaching Hypnosis is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of our clients and inspiring them to discover their highest potential. By introducing hypnosis to those you care for can truly be a gift of a lifetime!


Are you ready to work with us?

If our practical, results-oriented approach appeals to you, and you are serious about resolving your challenges, the first step is to schedule an initial consultation.

During this one-on-one meeting, we will evaluate your specific situation, explore the underlying causes of your challenges, answer your questions, explain our approach, and outline a strategy to help you achieve your desired outcome. The experience is relaxed, very informative, and takes up to an hour. Many clients claim to have learned more from our consultation than from talking with a therapist for months.

Rest assured that we will accept you as a client only if we are confident that we can help you and you are a good candidate for our services. If not, we will tell you so.

Are you a good candidate for our services?

Our successful clients are coachable, committed, and accountable. To work with us, you must:

• Have an open mind and be ready to take direction, handle critical feedback, and follow instructions;
• Be motivated and make it a top priority to achieve your desired goal;
• Take full responsibility for your results and avoid making excuses; and
• Realize that successfully addressing your issue requires an investment in time and money.

We carefully consider everyone we meet with, and a decision to not accept a prospective client is made regretfully but with the best interest of the individual. Reasons for either acceptance or non-acceptance of prospective clients are based upon a composite of several factors, including a review of the completed application/questionnaires, observations made during the consultation, assessment of the qualities mentioned above, determination of an appropriate customized program, and the issue/challenge/problem being presented.

Completing the new client application and scheduling your consultation does not guarantee that we will meet with you in person. We reserve the right to unschedule the appointment if, after reviewing the completed forms, we determine that you are not a good candidate.

The final decision regarding acceptance of an prospective client is based on the professional experience, intuition, and judgment of the hypnotist. We recognize that other practitioners may be a better fit with individuals who do not see eye-to-eye with our approach or whom we do not accept as clients.

Acceptance of one individual does not guarantee acceptance of another, including family members of clients and individuals who have been referred to us by our professional colleagues in the medical and mental health fields. Individuals that we determine are not suitable candidates for our services may contact us in the future for reconsideration. Those who are accepted as clients and decide not to proceed may do so at a later date, although it is possible our fees will have increased.

Note: We do not have a pre-determined fee per session, and we do not discuss pricing or any other details related to your specific situation over the phone or by e-mail. The work we do and associated fees are customized to each individual and are discussed at the initial consultation. Health/medical insurance does not cover our services.where we explore the roots of the presenting problem(s) in detail. We discuss solutions and what you are hoping to achieve, any factors which may prevent success and the level of support you feel you may need during therapy.

I then spend several hours creating your Plan™ designed to get you the results you want in 5 weeks or less.

Your Plan™ consists of:

  • Unlimited and bespoke sessions

  • Full-on proactive support throughout

  • Weekly measurement of progress calls

  • Bespoke Reinvention Daily routine specifically created for your lasting change

  • Specific resources for your continued development

Due to the intense nature of the support offered during hypnotherapy, Cynthia Marie Coaching operates on a wait list basis and only takes on a small number of committed clients each month. Contact 919-559-1274 to book your free 15-minute assessment call.

Consultation fee:




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Detail 3

The Download the Wellbeing Mastery Bundle

Cynthia Marie's Beautiful Success Meditation

Includes: The Ultimate Welcome Email +

Morning Routine + Future Self Well Being Meditation

To help you dive deeper and get to the root
of what’s been blocking you(and how to overcome it)
Click for (FREE guided audio

 via Skype

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Advanced Coaching Solutions Focused NLP HypnosisHypnotherapy     

Issues Helped:

Weight loss

Academic Performance
Alcohol Abuse
Arriving on Time
Athletic Performance
Bed Wetting

Bereavement & loss
Chewing Tobacco
Childhood Issues
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Compulsive Behavior
Confidence in Any Area
Cravings/ Binging Cutting (oneself)

Quit Smoking Addictions
Learning / Exam
Pregnancy & Postpartum
Goal Setting / Reaching Goals
Relationships Diabetes-related issues
Discover Your Purpose
Eating Disorders
Emotional Scars
Find Your Voice
Ideal Body
Life's Lessons / Life Skills
Insomnia Improve Relationships
Reading Speed & Recall
Sexual Blocks/Concerns/Performance
Skin Conditions
Sleep Apnea
Weight Gain Vaginismus Loss of Appetite
Increase Energy
Mental Abuse
Nail Biting
Organization of Time & Surroundings
Panic Attacks
Mentally Preparing for Surgery
Passing Exams
Personal Power
Physical Abuse
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Problem Areas in life
Public Speaking Personal Development Self Improvement



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Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for more information. Hypnosis is calming and wonderful and has the potential to make positive changes. As with all hypnotic material you may be entering a different state of awareness and for this reason please exercise caution. Do not operate machinery or drive whilst using hypnosis downloads. Use your common sense.

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